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Beanstack Reading Challenges

Beanstack Reading Challenges

We are excited about Beanstack, our reading challenge software. We use Beanstack for our summer reading program and offer reading and activity programs throughout the year! You can use Beanstack to log your reading year-round, even if you aren't participating in a challenge.

Beanstack automatically offers you all active programs for which you are eligible. Beanstack also has the ability to create a family account with only one login. 

You can use Beanstack online ( or download the app to sign up, join challenges, and log reading. Unlock digital badges as motivation to move on to the next milestone.

Logging with Beanstack 

* Log on to Beanstack. You can find the link on our website or go to Bookmark the page. 

* Click the Purple LOG READING button in the upper left corner. 
* Who do you want to log for? Choose a reader from the drop-down menu

You can log books or minutes. Check the challenges you're enrolled in to see which format you should choose. 
To Log Books
*Click log books
*Select a date
*Enter the title of the book
*Click the purple LOG READING button at the bottom. 

To Log Minutes 
* Click log minutes 
* Select a date
*Enter the title of the book
* Enter time spent reading
* Click the purple LOG READING button at the bottom.

*Click green + button at the bottom
*Click Reading
*Select reader or readers to log for
*Click purple choose readers button

Two options - log with title or without title

Log with title 
*To log with a title, enter the title in the search bar or click the button to scan the ISBN 
*When the book pops up, click the green save button
*Click Log reading button (center) Never ever click quick complete
*Enter minutes 
*Click done

Log Without Title
* Click green +
* Click Reading
* Choose reader
* Click the g
reen Log Without a Title button
*Enter minutes read
*Click done

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